How Do You Caption A Facebook Post?

Captions are what make your posts more attractive and luring to the people on that specific social media platform. But there are many people who do not know how they can add a caption to a Facebook on their Facebook post. 


Add a Caption to your Facebook Post – 

  1. To add a caption to your Facebook post the users need to first go to the Facebook home page the users need to click on add photo/video link. 
  2. Now add a photo or a video that you want to upload on Facebook with a short caption for your profile.
  3. Click on the edit button which you will find beneath the photo which you want to upload and after this, you need to type in the caption which you want to put on your Facebook photo. 

After you have added a cool caption for profile picture you just need to press the save button to save the changes you have made. 
You can select any caption for your profile picture it can be a single line statement or a one-word caption of the profile picture and here are some examples for the same. 

  • “Speechless’
  • “Relax”
  • “Classy”
  • “Hustler”

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